Lunes, Disyembre 12, 2016

                               Hello guys! well,this is my first time to write or to express my ideas here in blog.The   adventurous travelers is all about the exciting places that you want to stay that makes you feel at home ,in short it makes you feel chill, relax and cool. I create this blog because I love to travel many places to explore and to learn many things that place.   It may also be a bold, usually risky undertaking, with an uncertain outcome.[1] Adventures may be activities with some potential for physical danger such as traveling, exploring, skydiving, mountain climbing, scuba diving, river rafting or participating in extreme sports.I titled this blog the adventurous travelers because I want to travel around the world with my dearest mom,dad,my brothers and  friends because we all know that traveling is much have fun to be with ,some people makes it a buddy.

                      So in the second time  will introduce myself  to know getting each other, my   name is Rouena jane Simbre grade 10 students in Assumption Academy of Compostela ,searching some more information's to inspired to other student to strive hard for their goals by posting my ideas to my blog.